
Saturday 18 January 2020

Recommendation Letter

Recommendation Letter

Firm Name
State, ZIP Code

Dear All

According to current construction requirement, I have successfully found an innovative product “Fly Ask Brick”. This would give the most regarding quality, performance, and cost efficiency. During my research I found this product as perfect participant for upcoming construction need.

I am recommending to use Fly Ash Bricks to all my clients. I have gone through entire statistics of this product. I gone through the research evidences before recommendation and found that it’s much better than the common red brick.
Some of major characteristics are mentions below, 

  •    Compressive strength of Fly Ash Brick is almost four times higher than normal red brick
  •      Life of brick is double than the common red brick
  •      Cost of Fly Ash brick is less, which is direct benefit to my clients
  •      Durability is more due to much moisture resistance
  •      Plaster cost will be reduced by almost 90% because of brick's smooth surface
  •      It’s consumes less water which make it environment friendly
  •      Government also recommend and support use of it

As an architect professional my responsibility is to server my clients with the best available and possible solutions in the market. Considering all the available facts I am happy to recommend the use of Fly Ash brick in all my projects.

I am thankful to Ashutosh Verma who is going to produce and provide Fly Ash bricks for my projects and clients.

Thanks You.

Architect Name

1 comment:

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