
Thursday 15 August 2019

RU Costing Model

RU Based Modeling:

Infra cost - Licencing Cost\Hardware Cost
Man Hour Costing(Effort Basis)
      Installation Wintel
      VMWARE Licencing
      Security: MFA or Anything Else
      Storage Solution
      Backup Solution 

Gross Margin Calculation Facts
Investment - Hardware Costing \ Licencing Cost
Availability - Support Cost
Base Price - Total Cost Calculation

Payment Strategy:-If yearly then interest need to be added

Capping(PNQ model) - Example 100$ per users change it will vary based upon demand when user exceed cost will not reduce until cap breaches the Offering base cap.

Service Based Agreement:(If involved)
Service Delivery
      Support Resource Evaluation
      Service level agreement(All involved Software) 
      Support Cost(Resouce L1\L2\L3)

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