
Wednesday 11 April 2018

Quantum Computing - A View From My Eyes

From past some days i was hearing some noise about Quantum computing so thought to explore it a bit. I am very exited to inform you about this new era technology. I am bit confident that very soon our traditional Computers\Servers would be replaced by Quantum Computers because of there capability. If that would be the case then whole computer would be converted from Computer BIT's to Q-bit's. Let's start exploring it now,

Traditional\Current world computer works over bits, Which is either 0 and 1(Binary Computing). By making a series of 0 & 1 converted to an meaning full information. There is an restriction that only single bit can exist at memory block which is either 1 or 0 at the one single point of time. Here we start with Quantum computing where we can put all three possible options 0 OR 1 OR 01 at the same time. In quantum computing they called this a Q-bit rather than bit. Hope you guys thinking "Isn't this confusing ? What really this kind of stuff can do?" . The answer is, In traditional computing programmers can use only single function while logic creation at a time ex: if OR Else OR then and that. In quantum computing we can use all functions at the same point of time which increase computing speed tremendously. A Q-Bit would exist at 0 & 1 & 01 at the same time , which is called as spinning state. They are not get measured by 0 & one, They get measured by UP or Down or Both state. This is called super state phenomenon.

Hope you don't know that particles would behave differently when they get monitored. This is bit strange but true when we don't monitor the particles they behave in different way but when we start monitoring them they start showing different behavior(For more information on that you can explore double slit experiment).
Some companies successfully build an Quantumn Computer in there Lab's and done some tests successfully.At present it's really an costly stuff so only some companies Like Google,IBM,Intel,Nasa are working on it and trying to make it more compact so that they can make it available for end users. Recently Google launched it's first Quantum chip Google - Bristlestone. It's an awarded 72 Q-bit chip in market. Before Google this record was with IBM Quantum processor which was having 50 Q-Bits. Google said that in couple of months they will come up with quantum processor based computer which would be many times faster than traditional super computer.
Traditional computers\servers based upon programming conditions like If this happens then perform that operation Else perform that Or check if both conditions are true then perform that. Here our traditional computer check each programmed logical conditions one by one in sequence and provide result. It takes lot of time while computing for an big operation. In Quantum computing all condition like if ,Else,Both would be represented by Q-Bit and could be calculated at the same time very quickly and using filter algorithms we can filter out desired results in far less time than traditional computing.

The biggest risk of quantum computing is security. Through quantum computing hacking of password would be very easy. Hacker could push Q-bit and get all possible options for password and using an algorithm eliminate wrong possibilities and filter out correct possible suitable bit which would compromise password. All the future ready security companies are working on Quantum password security systems and hopefully after that our system would be more robust than ever. 

Hope i would be able to share some helpful information about Quantum Computing. Please feel free to provide suggestions. 

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