
Monday 1 August 2016

Citrix Xenapp 6.5 SOP

Purpose: This document will help admins to solve day to day issues Citrix issues.

Q1: Single user is unable to see some application?

Ans: You need to identify first for which application user is trying. Get the application name and check that in AppCentre located under administrative tools,

 Goto Application Tab>> Locate your application

For example click on notepad. Goto tab configured users



Check users and groups showing there.

Using ARS find users group membership. To application user should be part of any one of listed group. If not ask user to get membership.

Q2: User is having permission at AD citrix application group but still application is not visible?

Ans: If user is already member of that group then check the location of application using below steps: <<Location showing in hierarchy in FARM may not correct representation>>

Goto application properties>> Goto Shortcut presentation>> Check location there

Q3: After clicking on application application is not opening giving option to save some ICA file?

Ans: It only happens when user don’t have Citrix Receiver Client installed on his machine. Ask user to contact local IT for the same or download from internet and install the same at desktop.

Q4: After clicking on Citrix application it start opening but stuck on progress bar?

Ans: It may happen due to many reasons but key points are. User is user profile got corrupted and stuck during logon. You need to rename user profile first and ask user to try again once user is login you can copy his data from his rename profile.

Incase user profile is roaming then you need to do same thing at remote profile repository.

This may happen due to existing stuck session of user at citrix. In that case you can logoff user from farm and ask user to try again.

Goto Application>> Goto connected user TAB >> Select existing user session>> Right Click and select logoff

Q5: How can we disable logon at any Citrix server to perform maintenance?

Ans: Sometime Admins need to perform urgent configuration\upgrade at Citrix servers to perform that we need to put server in to maintenance mode first. To do that follow below steps,

Open AppCentre>>Go to server tab >> Right Click and select Other task>>Goto Logon Control>> Select any one from the given option which suits you

Q6: How to disable application during upgrade?

And: To disable any application you need to open Appcentre and select the application and the right click and select disable application.

Above task will disable the application but if you want to hide the application then select application properties option from above shown tab >> Goto Name>> Select Disable Application and Hide Application both the tabs.

Q7: How can we find which server is playing data collector role in FARM?

And: Datacollector selection is random but the server which is holding datacollector role at present can be found from any Citrix server using below instructions,

Login to any Citrix Server>> Open command prompt>> Type qfarm

It will show the all list of xenapp servers in FARM and in front of data collector server you will see “D” as shown above.

Q8: How to check our Citrix server is responding ICA connections?

And: Citrix server normally accept ICA connection on below ports


Session Reliability: 2598

- Best way is to test ICA connectivity is to open farm and go to server and connect using ica session,

Server ICA Session will prompt as below.

Q9: One citrix server stop responding to ICA session what can we do now?

Ans: Some times Citrix IMA service stop working or start behaving abnormally. In that case you need to restart the service to get the service back on track.

10: It’s rare but happens during IMA service restart it stop and not starting again, What can be done then?

Answer: It happens when citrix server is unable to fetch data from datastore. In that case we need to recreate the localhost cache of server and try to connect again but make sure that your datastore DB server is responding at network level.

Important! The data store server must be available, for dsmaint recreatelhc command to work. If the data store is not available, the IMA service cannot start.

Caution! Refer to the Note at the end of this article before using Registry Editor.

Complete the following steps to recreate LHC:

1.  1. Stop the IMA service on the XenApp server, if it is started. This can be done using the command net stop imaservice, or from services.

2.  2. Run dsmaint recreatelhc, which renames the existing LHC database, creates a new database, and modifies the following registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\IMA\Runtime\PSRequired key to 1.
Setting the value PSRequired to 1 forces the server to establish communication with the data store in order to populate the LHC database. When the IMA service is restarted, the LHC is recreated with the current data from the data store.

3.  3.   Restart the IMA service. This can be done using the command net start imaservice, or from services.

Note: For XenApp 6 or later the registry key path is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Citrix\IMA\ RUNTIME\PSRequired and change value to 1.
There is also a built-in utility to verify the LHC called LHCTestACLsUtil.exe file located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\System32 of the XenApp server. To run this utility, you must have local administrator privileges.

Q11: Group policy apply in which sequence in Citrix?
Ans:  Policy getting applied in below sequence <<LXSDO>>,
- Local Policy
- XenApp Or XenDesktop Site GPO
- Site Level GPO
- Domain Level GPO
- Organizational Unit

Please share if you like this post. Feel free to add your queries and some more SOP questions in comment section and i will add them in this post with solution and name of person.

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